Hi, I'm Your Board
Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to.
When you buy a share to become an Outpost owner, you are investing in a cooperative business. This is your business co-owned by you and other like-minded owners. This is the fundamental difference between your membership at Costco - which basically allows you to shop there - and your ownership of Outpost.
On October 26th, the Board hosted a screening of the film Food Chains, a look at the corporate grocery system in the United States and its role in food worker exploitation. At Outpost Natural Foods we hold our local and regional vendors to standards which ensure safe and hygienic working conditions and the highest standards for working hours and requirements.
In recent board meetings, we have been discussing how the popularity of cooperatives ebbs and flows, and specifically how that relates to the increasingly competitive environment of Milwaukee grocery stores. It turns out that cooperatives do best in times of uncertainty, like the Sixties and in the aftermath of the recent financial crisis.
With national cooperative month just a couple of months away, it’s a good time to reflect upon the history of cooperatives dating back to the 18th century. Did you know African Americans, people of color, and low-income people have benefited from the cooperative model?
You could shop anywhere. But, if you’re a member of Outpost, you probably know you’re part of something different. Something special. But, have you ever wondered why our stores operate so differently from the competition?
In 1996, the future was bright for Blockbuster Video. It was a $4 billion dollar company, with over 3,500 stores worldwide. In 2000, it turned down the chance to buy a small, fledgling internet company called Netflix. Today, Blockbuster has all but disappeared with only 19 stores nationwide.
In just a few days, Outpost Natural Foods Co-op owners can bear witness to cooperative values in action at the March 20th annual meeting. Board directors and staff are seeking to make the annual meeting more accessible by offering it at Mount Mary University, and by utilizing the power of technology, owners may choose to participate in real time at the Bay View, Mequon, or E. Capitol Drive stores.
As a long-time food writer, I’m often approached by individuals looking for recommendations for places to dine in the Milwaukee area. Increasingly, people are also interested in my recommendations for spots in the city that espouse a dedication to local sourcing.
As a director for Outpost Natural Foods, I would like to invite you to our next annual meeting on March 20th. If you have never been to one, it’s a great way to meet other Outpost owners and play an active part in your favorite grocery cooperative.
I’m often asked how and why I decided to become a professional hunger fighter. The answer is pretty simple. I had the opportunity to learn about hunger – and its more clinical term, food insecurity, which describes the inability to consistently access an adequate, nutritious diet – and our food system at a previous job. The more I learned, the more it became clear to me that its solutions were – and remain – absolutely within our reach.
So you want to be a member of Outpost’s Board of Directors – PLEASE APPLY NOW! This is an awesome opportunity to meet other skilled and interesting folks who love Outpost and bring their experiences and judgment to the table.
The Board of Directors is gearing up for the 2016 elections, which will take place March 20 - April 3, 2016. As a result, we’re putting out our annual call to interested owners to consider joining us in our work.
Did you get a chance to see the free documentary that was screened at the Avalon Theater on October 18th? To the Moon featured eighteen college students who came together to bicycle from California to Massachusetts to spread awareness about cooperatives, a business model they believe to be a solution to the volatile global economy.
“Sustainability.” When most people hear this in a food context they think of fruits, vegetables, or animal products grown in a way that does the least amount of environmental harm to our planet. They think “organic.”
I’m now four months into service as an Outpost Natural Foods board member. How’s that working out for you? The question I’m often asked never gets old. I embrace it as an opportunity to promote Outpost Natural Foods and all that we do. As a new board member, I am comfortable learning as well as offering feedback and sharing my experience in public relations and marketing.
My goal is to live a longer and healthier life – and I’ve learned that real food is needed not only for body health but also to build and maintain my aging brain.
Sinek’s thesis is that we (as people and corporations) are usually great at talking about “what” we do but not so good at connecting to the purpose of why we do what we do.
Most of us know that Outpost is a cooperative but many do not know what that actually means. In short, co-ops use a business model that puts people and community before profit. To ensure this, we hold ourselves accountable through democratic principles.
At Outpost we’ve been talking a lot about the large influx of new, national grocery stores set to open soon in the Milwaukee area. Most, if not all, of these stores will be touting organic or local produce and products, so we have reason to take heed of the increased competition.
Sunday, March 29 was a great gathering of Outpost owners at the Tripoli Shrine Center for our Annual Meeting. There were 225 owners and guests present, which is fairly remarkable given, as you may remember, some really lousy weather.