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Meet Your Board of Directors

Your Board of Directors steers the path of Outpost toward the future. The board is made up of nine owners just like you, chosen by annual election. This is where the true power of co-op ownership comes into play. Unlike corporations, co-op board elections are democratically run — owners all have an equal vote. Board members serve staggered 3-year terms. 

Your current Outpost Board of Directors, pictured above from left to right: Ashley Fisher (Board President), Becca Guralnick (Board Vice President), Eno Meier (Board Treasurer), Melissa Drews (Board Secretary), Rick Banks, Rick Daggett, Tay Fatke, Barbara Merritt, Duncan Shrout


What does the Outpost board do?

The board’s primary role is to oversee the direction of the co-op through Outpost’s CEO, which it does through the creation of board policies. Outpost employees, as directed by Outpost’s CEO, manage day-to-day operations, like stocking, cooking, ordering, marketing, product selecting and administrative duties.

The board conducts its ongoing work at monthly board meetings. At these meetings the board monitors policy compliance, understands the co-op’s finances, plans activities to engage owners, discusses the future and evaluates their work. The board also approves all borrowing of money and pledging of any of the co-ops assets as security for the money borrowed.

The best way to understand what the board does at the co-op is to attend a board meeting and see for yourself. For the board's meeting schedule and a list of previous meeting minutes, CLICK HERE.


Have a question or a suggestion for the Board?








co-op stronger together
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