The above information will be used only by Outpost Natural Foods for the express purpose of sending an e-newsletter. Outpost shopper information is never shared with other organizations or businesses.
Outpost Natural Foods exists so that our owners have a healthy, diverse, and sustainable community. We will accomplish this while maintaining the long-term strength of the cooperative.
You will crave these deceptively easy and incredibly tasty ‘quickles’ – they’re crunchy with just the right amount of zing. Don’t be alarmed if you notice the garlic turning blue in the pickling liquid – this is a harmless enzymatic reaction. You can toss the garlic after they’ve steeped.
Some people leave enough room at the top so you can shake the jar, but we like to empty it into a bowl and toss. You can make salads a few days ahead, but if you’re including cheese, proteins, or soft fruits and vegetables, it’s best to add them to the top of the jar on the day you’ll eat...