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Take action now!

Posted February 2025


Posted March 2025

Make your voice heard!

Elected officials receive shockingly little feedback from their constituents, so a small group of citizens actually DO have the ability to create change! With nearly 23,000 owners, we want you to get comfortable with contacting your elected officials and make your voice heard about issues important to sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Here’s the goods

We give you the info and the ask, you give just 1 minute of your time to hop on the horn and take an active role in our democracy. Pretty sweet deal, eh?

Step 1: Find your state and national elected officials:

Step 2: Contact their office and let them know this issue is important to you.


The most effective strategy is phone calling. If you can't call on the phone, email is the next best bet followed by a letter and lastly social media.

  1. Be respectful! A thoughtful and polite statement delivered calmly is best received.
  2. Be brief. Keep it short and to the point.
  3. Give them your address: Comments coming from their constituents as opposed to those outside their district get much higher priority.


co-op stronger together
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