Buying in Bulk

BYOC - Easy as 1 2 3
Pledging to eliminate plastic just got easier. Next time you shop the co-op, bring in your own containers for bulk goods. This eliminates the need for using plastic bags. Here are a few simple instructions to follow. Then you'll be on your way
Easy as 1 - Visit the customer service desk
Before you shop bring your clean transparent container to customer service so they can inspect that it's clean. Then they will weigh it. The weight is recorded on a “tare weight” sticker and affixed to the container. The cashier will subtract that weight before they put the container on the scale.
Easy as 2 - Shop for the bulk items you want
Now that your container has been inspected and weighed, you're ready to shop. Fill the container and write the proper bin number on the tare weight sticker. Easy peasy!
Easy as 3 - Proceed to checkout
Set the container onto the conveyor belt at the register, along with your other groceries. The cashier will subtract the weight of the container, check the bin number and then weigh the contents.
NOTE: If you did not weigh your container before hand, the cashier will have to empty the contents to weigh the container. That will take time, so be sure you have your container weighed before you shop!