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Pam Mehnert

52 Things I Learned in One Year - Part 3 of 3

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 13, 2012

Repeat after me – I am not a quitter - I am not a quitter. Well I guess “life” happened since my last blog post, as I have blissfully ignored the fact I haven’t yet completed my list of lessons.

Pam Mehnert

52 Things I Learned in One Year - Part 2 of 3

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 13, 2012

Ah, what was I thinking when I came up with the notion of writing about 52 lessons learned? One lesson per week of my challenge - that should be a piece of cake. Okay then maybe I just have a bad old case of writers block.

Pam Mehnert

52 Things I Learned In One Year - Part 1 of 3

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert June 28, 2011

While I truly love to cook and bake and take on “never made before in my kitchen” kinda projects, prior to this I had never kept any kind of diary, especially not about my life in the kitchen.

Pam Mehnert

52 Weeks By The Numbers

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert May 3, 2011

Here’s a glimpse into my 52 weeks of inconvenience, primarily cooking or baking for just the two of us (although some food items became gifts, while others were served to our dinner guests.

Pam Mehnert

Week 52 - The End Of The Road?

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert April 25, 2011

There’s a routine I think I’ll miss, and other parts that I hope will stick, like the discipline I learned in planning out our food options each week. My year of inconvenience is technically over.

Pam Mehnert

Week 51 - Relief or Regret?

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert April 20, 2011

I’m almost at the end of week 52 as I’m writing this post, and feeling a little sad that this adventure is almost over. Or is it? I mean once you start something like this does the adventure really ever end? It is food we’re talking about, and while I learned a lot about cooking from scratch over the past 52 weeks, there is still so much more to learn. So my question is, should I keep blogging? What do you think?

Pam Mehnert

Week 50 - Inspiration Comes In Many Forms

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert April 11, 2011

The inspiration I drew upon this week was a recipe we published from local chef Jan Kelly from the restaurant Meritage. We gave Jan a challenge of one ingredient that she needed to design a meal around, and that was kimchi. Jan of course even made the kimchi from scratch, so I figured, why don’t I try?

Pam Mehnert

Weeks 48 & 49 - From Blur To Bliss

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert March 29, 2011

We began our adventure in Santa Fe at the local farmer’s market, with the purchase of red chili powder, fresh goat cheese with green chili, German butter potatoes, farm fresh eggs, a giant bunch of rainbow chard and multi-grain bread. I was having a blast.

Pam Mehnert

Week 47 - St. Patty's Is Simple, So Do It

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert March 16, 2011

No whining, no complaining, no sniveling as the Irish say.

Pam Mehnert

Week 46 - An Einstein I'm Not

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert March 7, 2011

A bagel by definition is known as dense, chewy and rather doughy with a nicely browned and crispy crust. That’s the bagel I was in search of!

Pam Mehnert

Week 45 - Hamburger Help Her (Recipe)

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert March 1, 2011

Look at me, all proud of my pasta. This from the girl who has been resenting it since the last failed batch a few meals ago.

Pam Mehnert

A Year Of Inconvenience In Milwaukee Journal

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert February 27, 2011

A Year Of Inconvenience in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pam Mehnert

Week 44 - T-minus 8 Weeks And Counting

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert February 22, 2011

And so it went. We didn’t starve nor did we eat particularly well. I’d say I actually had two high points in the week, which to me are kind of like the yin and yang of food cravings.

Pam Mehnert

Week 43 - Time For Sushi

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert February 18, 2011

To many people sushi means “raw fish” and if that were the case I would avoid it like the plague.

Pam Mehnert

Week 42 - Saving Money And Some Time

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert February 9, 2011

So here I am now with those 42 weeks behind me and only 10 more weeks to finish the year. My freezer is pretty well stocked and I have my regular routine of bread or cracker or granola baking planned out so I’m no longer in any panic for food essentials.

Pam Mehnert

Week 41 - I'm Whey Ahead Of The Game

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 31, 2011

Pam Mehnert

Week 40 - It's in the Dairy Air

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 31, 2011

And yogurt – well I really never considered making it at home since it’s a product well within the limits of my rules – however everyone was saying it’s just so darn easy and economical – so I had to try my hand at it.

Pam Mehnert

Week 39 - An Inconvenient Pantry (Part 2: Condiment Whore)

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 19, 2011

I had to ask some of the same questions of myself when I started this project, like is a condiment a “food” or is it a “seasoning?” Am I going to make my own mayonnaise and barbeque sauce and ketchup? Can you even make your own mustard?

Pam Mehnert

Week 38 - An Inconvenient Pantry (Part 1)

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 10, 2011

Lydia let her readers peek into my pantry this week which inspired me to write about how my “well-stocked for inconvenience” pantry has been helping me through this one-year challenge.

Pam Mehnert

Happy New Year!

A Year of Inconvenience
By Pam Mehnert January 1, 2011

I’m no Betty White, but I stopped accepting the things I didn’t like and began to do something to change them.

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