I share the Outpost belief that all people deserve to have access to healthy food. 16% of people in the US experienced food insecurity last year; Milwaukee ranks number 4 in poverty among large cities in the United States.
Read more...Our board application process closed at the beginning of February and we were overwhelmed with interested owners wanting to join the board! All told, we received twenty applications - more than we’ve had in years!
Read more...I share the Outpost belief that all people deserve to have access to healthy food. 16% of people in the US experienced food insecurity last year; Milwaukee ranks number 4 in poverty among large cities in the United States.
Read more...According to Dr. Oz, the average American consumes 150lbs of it a year! Twenty years ago it was about half that. Desserts and soda are obvious sources but other foods high in sugar include granola bars, most breakfast cereals, spaghetti sauce and yogurt.
Read more...A new year brings with it exciting opportunities for growth and change. As 2015 gets underway Outpost strives to set its goals around the premise of creating greater access to our products within the Outpost community.
Read more...Access – to healthy and affordable food - is another part of the food justice equation. Food cooperatives have long understood the critical importance of access.
Read more...The Board of Directors is gearing up for the 2015 elections, which will take place April 1-15. As a result, we’re putting out a call to interested owners to consider joining us in our work.
Read more...As I finish my first year on the Outpost board, and with an eye to encouraging others to run, I thought it was a good time to reflect on my experience as a board member. In doing so, I hope to illustrate the role of a board and the importance of having members that come from diverse backgrounds.
Read more...As an owner and board member, it has been powerful to see first hand how Outpost strengthens our commitment to provide local, healthy and organic food to the community.
Read more...On Sunday, October 26, Outpost hosted the movie “Fed Up” at the Times Cinema. It was free and open to the community, and it packed a wallop. The turnout was excellent, and the movie even better.
Read more...As a college teacher in Early Childhood Education, my basic goal is to build better brains for babies. As a mom, grandmother, and teacher of young children, I often sing: “Sweet Stuff, You’ve Got Enough…You Don’t Need Any Sugar, Sugar!” I’ve been inspired by the movie FED UP.
Read more...Early in September, I had the pleasure of presenting the closing keynote at the National Association of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs conference that took place at the Hilton City Center Hotel in Milwaukee. The morning keynote was given by Young Kim, the executive director of Fondy Food Center and Outpost Owner of the year in 2013.
Read more...Lots of people these days are pouring buckets of ice over their heads in support of the ALS Association. It’s kind of awesome when you think about it – just look at how a few fun videos have inspired people around the nation to stand up and commit to supporting a great cause.
But, ALS isn’t the only cause you can take steps to support.
Read more...When you are new in town or you simply want to know how you can get involved in the community when it comes to the local food scene, how do you navigate a path?
Read more...What does growth have to do with Concern for Community, one of the cooperative principles? Aside from the bare legal structure, what really distinguishes cooperatives is that they operate based on a set of principles – seven of them. Some principles, like Democratic Member Control (involvement), become more of a challenge as the co-op grows. But growth can also facilitate other principles, like the seventh - Concern for Community. And it is this last one that helps me understand how a simple neighborhood business lawyer can be so passionate about one of the largest consumer food cooperatives in the country.
Read more...I’m a strong believer in the concept of community owned and operated food markets. Why? One big reason is because a co-op like Outpost Natural Foods places value not only on healthy food, but locally owned, independent vendors. I embrace our mission statement: “Outpost Natural Foods exists so that our owners have a healthy, diverse and sustainable community. This will be accomplished while maintaining the long-term strength of the cooperative.”
Read more...Cooperatives are different from other forms of business, and participation by owners is a significant benefit of the cooperative model. Two of the seven cooperative principles — democratic member control and member economic participation — allude to the importance of participation in the cooperative form of enterprise.
Read more...Earlier this month, we opened our fourth store in Mequon. It was a really exciting day for the Outpost community and for the many Outpost owners in Mequon, many of whom had been travelling all the way down to Capitol Drive to shop.
Read more...The newest Outpost Coop location will open in Mequon on Monday, May 12.
For over 600 owners in the Ozaukee County area, who previously made trips to one or more of our urban Milwaukee locations for groceries and supplements, the new location provides easier access to local, sustainable food. And we expect ownership to grow by 500+ owners in the first week of business. That’s over 1,000 people with access to great, healthy food!
Read more...So, I got together my gumption and attended the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) organic farming conference February 27 and March 1 in LaCrosse. I heard tell that some Outpost staffers were there, but in the crush of 3,000 plus attendees, who could tell?
Read more...Recently, we did some much needed household cleaning. It wasn’t the dirt or grime that we were after; we do pretty well in that category. It was the seemingly endless presence of household clutter that made our lives a mess!