And so it went. We didn’t starve nor did we eat particularly well. I’d say I actually had two high points in the week, which to me are kind of like the yin and yang of food cravings.
Read more...And so it went. We didn’t starve nor did we eat particularly well. I’d say I actually had two high points in the week, which to me are kind of like the yin and yang of food cravings.
Read more...To many people sushi means “raw fish” and if that were the case I would avoid it like the plague.
Read more...So here I am now with those 42 weeks behind me and only 10 more weeks to finish the year. My freezer is pretty well stocked and I have my regular routine of bread or cracker or granola baking planned out so I’m no longer in any panic for food essentials.
Read more...And yogurt – well I really never considered making it at home since it’s a product well within the limits of my rules – however everyone was saying it’s just so darn easy and economical – so I had to try my hand at it.
Read more...I had to ask some of the same questions of myself when I started this project, like is a condiment a “food” or is it a “seasoning?” Am I going to make my own mayonnaise and barbeque sauce and ketchup? Can you even make your own mustard?
Read more...Lydia let her readers peek into my pantry this week which inspired me to write about how my “well-stocked for inconvenience” pantry has been helping me through this one-year challenge.
Read more...I’m no Betty White, but I stopped accepting the things I didn’t like and began to do something to change them.
Read more...If any time of year was ripe for reliance on convenience foods, I’m declaring that it’s the week before Christmas.
Read more...I can still feel the weight of the door as it opened up to reveal the sweet fragrance of sugar and spices, as well as I can still hear my grandma calling out, "I heard noise that - what are you kids up to?"
Read more...Traveling via air is wrought with convenience stops from check-in to landing, whether it’s coffee kiosks, coolers filled with pre-wrapped sandwiches, fast food joints, or the tiny (and I mean tiny) bags of pretzels you get on the airplane.
Read more...The cold winter winds have finally arrived and today is our first snowfall of the season. That means the holidays are so close you can smell the gingerbread and feel the heat coming from the kitchen.
Read more...I’m here to tell you that having a non-traditional side like I had this year, caused me to think fondly about all the foods I’m truly thankful for, convenient or not.
Read more...I submitted the recipe to one of my favorite recipe websites, 12 Tomatoes, and it won their Thanksgiving recipe contest for which I won a gift card to Williams Sonoma! You can check out that recipe here.
Read more...For a while now I’ve been meaning to do a comparison of a number of the foods I now make from scratch, with their ready-to-eat counterparts...
Read more...I cheated - oh yes I did – in fact I cheated two days in a row. And while I felt a bit guilty at the time I would have either lost my sanity or gone hungry had I not allowed myself the choice of convenience foods.
Read more...To cook for our Dia de los Muertos celebration, I was finally going to have to come to terms with the fact I needed to make corn tortillas.