As we move forward into a brand new year, it’s a great time to take stock of the good that cooperatives like Outpost do.
One of the big things on my list? Education.
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As we move forward into a brand new year, it’s a great time to take stock of the good that cooperatives like Outpost do.
One of the big things on my list? Education.
Read more...One of the really cool parts of my day job at Feeding America is that I get to travel around the country to join, start, simplify, complicate, explicate, and otherwise advance some of the big conversations surrounding food, food access, hunger, and food systems. It’s really one of the favorite parts of my job.
Read more...An e-mail recently appeared in my inbox that really got me thinking about the sustainability of current conventional farming practices. The e-mail contained a link to a report by the Center for Food Safety as part of its Save Our Seeds (SOS) initiative (http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/campaign/save-our-seeds/). The report, Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers, highlights the ongoing practice of seed companies suing farmers for patent infringement when their fields are discovered to contain genetically engineered (GE or trangenic) crops, even though the farmers hadn't purchased GE seeds from the companies. The seed companies allege that farmers are knowingly saving seeds from prior year GE crops, or are obtaining GE seeds from “seed cleaners,” who specialize in the practice of processing seeds from prior years to use for subsequent plantings. According to the seed companies, these practices are expressly prohibited by the technology agreements signed by farmers who use GE seeds.
Read more...On Saturday, October 6, I had the pleasure of attending Harvest Day at Walnut Way, on 17th and North Avenue. The entire 2200 block of N. 17th Street was blocked off for the celebration, with a large sound truck on the north end, providing a stage and sound system for talk and music.
Read more...Many owners in the Outpost community, as well as in the general community, have given a great deal of thought to the issue of eating animal products, notably meat. For people who care, it is a subject layered with many dimensions: family tradition, spiritual beliefs, political/economic convictions, dietary needs, and consideration for the roles animals play in our lives
Read more...We began our adventure in Santa Fe at the local farmer’s market, with the purchase of red chili powder, fresh goat cheese with green chili, German butter potatoes, farm fresh eggs, a giant bunch of rainbow chard and multi-grain bread. I was having a blast.