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Your Board

Hi, I'm Your Board

Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to. Your current Outpost Board of...
Your Board

How will you engage with Outpost in the new year?

Board Beet
By Your Board on January 16, 2015

A new year brings with it exciting opportunities for growth and change. As 2015 gets underway Outpost strives to set its goals around the premise of creating greater access to our products within the Outpost community. What does that look like? 

Well, some ideas percolating for 2015 include:

  • looking for another Market Café location
  • refreshing our Capitol Drive store
  • working with our community partner, Hunger Task Force, to better understand the needs of seniors in our community and add more fresh food options to canned good deliveries

Along with growth comes change and this is our first year with Board Elections taking place in April. We listened to you when you said that you wanted to better get to know the candidates running for the board.  And so, we’re inviting them to be present at our Annual Meeting in March so you can talk with them, find out what their goals are in running for the board and hopefully make a more informed decision when it comes time to vote. 

In line with the change in the board election process is my decision not to run for a third term. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the owners, for the privilege of serving as your board director for these past six years. It has been rewarding, challenging and most of all humbling. I have learned so much from this experience but more importantly from you -- whether it was through conversations at the Annual Meetings, new owner orientations, food sorts at Hunger Task Force or at a movie screening.

We have shared the mission of Outpost through our combined efforts and participation and it’s been a blast! So thanks.

So my goal or challenge for 2015, after my term ends in April, will be how do I stay involved and active in supporting Outpost’s mission and community?

I have a few ideas, but I also would like to challenge you to think about what your goals or aspirations for the New Year and your Outpost community will be.  

Will you:

  • Represent fellow owners’ interests by running for the Outpost board?
  • Actively support one of our Community Partnerships?
  • Try to reduce or eliminate your use of plastics?  

The opportunities are endless, but simply choosing one is an investment in our co-op family.


Suzanne Garr

Board Director




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