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Your Board

Hi, I'm Your Board

Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to. Your current Outpost Board of...
Your Board

A Year In Review

Board Beet
By Your Board on April 23, 2024

It’s April as I sit down to write this. Outpost owners have just finished voting for this year’s open Board of Director seats. As I prepare the new director training, I can’t help but reflect on the twelve months behind us and the significant transitions this cooperative moved through. 

In May of 2023, after a nationwide search supported by consultants with cooperative grocer experience, the Board of Directors hired Ray Simpkins to fill the role left vacant by retiring General Manager Pam Mehnert. Our enthusiasm for welcoming Ray to the position was tempered only by the fond farewell and celebrations held for Pam to honor her 35+ years at Outpost’s helm and 42-year-career with the co-op.  

In the year since, Ray has carried forward the good work of his predecessor while adding his own industry expertise, positioning the cooperative on strong financial footing coming out of the pandemic. In the fall, the Board voted unanimously to change the General Manager title to CEO. This brought the title in alignment with industry standards, though the duties held by the position did not change. 

Now, with the completion of the 2024 election cycle, we welcome Rick Daggett to the Board of Directors. Incumbents Eno Meier and Duncan Shrout have been reelected to their second terms. This also means that we will be saying farewell to Jenny Keefe, who joined the Board in 2019 and has served in officer roles including president, vice president, and secretary. We are indebted to her leadership and service.

The Board of Directors looks forward to the year ahead! Thank you for the privilege of serving you, the owners and employees who make this co-op the special place that it is. 

In cooperation,



Ashley Fisher 

President of the Outpost Board of Directors


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