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Your Board

Connecting with the local food scene

Board Beet
By Your Board on August 13, 2014

When you are new in town or you simply want to know how you can get involved in the community when it comes to the local food scene, how do you navigate a path? 

I wondered that same thing after some friends recently asked me to put together some information about Outpost and the organic/co-op movement in southeastern Wisconsin. Needless to say, I was excited to usher them into the world of co-ops and all the cool things happening right here in our backyard.

In my research, I came across the Farm Fresh Atlas, available at Outpost and I also found my copy at the Fondy Food Market.  

Did you know that we have 110 farms and 83 Farmer’s Markets in Southeastern Wisconsin?

The Atlas is chock full of valuable resources on who, what and where when it comes to connecting with local farmers, farmer’s markets and local businesses. In addition, there are a number of restaurants in the local Milwaukee area that are considered Farm-to-Table who support local farmers.

Continuing with my homework assignment, I found a kettle full of facts, resources and opportunities for anyone wanting to get started. Here’s a small and tasty sampling of what I found.

Wisconsin Food Blogs:

Turnips 2 Tangerines
Farm to Table Wisconsin
Check out the full A-Z listing on the Burp! website


Outpost’s own Graze magazine
Edible Milwaukee
Eating Well
Organic Gardening
A whole host of other niche titles addressing everything from gluten-free to GMO’s.

Non-profit organizations:

Growing Power
Fondy Food Center
Alice’s Garden
The Victory Garden Initiative
Walnut Way Conservation Corp.
Milwaukee Food Council
Hunger Task Force
Urban Ecology Center
Milwaukee Empty Bowls
Local First Milwaukee

Food Co-ops:

Outpost Natural Foods
Madison’s Willy Street
Riverwest Coop
Wild Root Market

I invite you to share with us how you are involved with the local food scene and if you know about other opportunities on how you and others can be a vital part of our backyard communities supporting local, sustainable markets.


Suzanne Garr, Director



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