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Is Wheat Dangerous? Book Makes Compelling Argument

Board Beet
By Your Board on July 20, 2012


I recently had the opportunity to read a very interesting book on a possible cause of the obesity facing us today, “Wheat Belly,” by William Davis, MD. It is alleged by Dr. Davis that wheat is a primary underlying cause of much of our obesity as well as a myriad of other health issues plaguing us today. More precisely, it is a complex carbohydrate, Amylopectin A, that is the culprit that causes higher spikes in blood sugar than a candy bar, ice cream or even table sugar itself.


What I find very intriguing is the manner in which the correlations between wheat and the numerous diseases observed by Dr. Davis are given a very clear and plausible explanation. He had performed clinical observations on his patients after the withdrawal of all wheat from their diet and documented the improvements in their health. 


It has been a while since I have found such a gripping book to read. Thanks to his research, clinical observations and explanations provided throughout the book, I was able to satisfy my inquiries regarding some of his theories. 


Now, I am also putting myself to the test and am staying off all wheat. I do not have any known diseases or allergies, but I want to observe my own condition. It is not easy, as wheat tends to crop up into all types of unexpected foods and non foods such as deli meats, hot dogs, lipstick and prescriptions. That is just to name a few, and thankfully, I do not consume or use any of those products.


I believe we all need to think as we progress through life, and not just follow the herds blindly. Use logic and your own common sense from observations you have experienced and be open to possibilities that may challenge your beliefs. Every so often, test and retest your beliefs. I strive to be in tune with my body, and the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. Be patient and keep learning and sharing what you learn.


Do you have a book you've read that changed the way you look at food? Tell us in the comments section below.


 - Christopher L. Zimmerman


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