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Your Board

Hi, I'm Your Board

Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to. Your current Outpost Board of...
Your Board

Your Vote Matters More than Ever

Board Beet
By Your Board on February 15, 2017

On January 20th, Outpost owners submitted applications for board candidacy. Your board of directors has reviewed the nominations and selected five candidates to go on the ballot this year. Voting will begin on March 20th after the Annual Meeting and we have fifteen days to elect three new board members, until April 3rd. This election is a critical aspect of our cooperative and a cornerstone responsibility of ownership. Though we still have over a month before voting begins, I’d like to take a few moments of your time to remind you why it’s important to get this election on your calendar.

Outpost Natural Foods now has over 22,000 owners - one of the largest food cooperatives in the country! However, in a typical year only 3% of us cast a vote for board candidates. If this were a presidential election in the state of Wisconsin we would expect closer to 60% (or more!) of eligible voters to show up to cast their vote. Why does it matter?

As owners, we elect a board of directors to “manage the business and affairs” of the co-op. Our 9-member board serves staggered three year terms and is responsible for setting the vision and direction of the organization as well as oversight of our General Manager and management practices. While the board does not make direct operational decisions, we are a critical voice and body for ensuring the direction and vision for our cooperative. As your board, we need your intentional engagement to assist us in ensuring that our board members adequately represent your best interests.

In an annual election where often as few as 500 votes are cast, your ballot is critical. And your voice matters. The Outpost Board has set a goal to increase voter turnout over the next three years. We need YOUR support to make this happen! Let us know what motivates you to cast your vote for co-op leadership. What makes the difference to you?  How can we support you to make an informed decision regarding our cooperative’s leadership?

Remember that you can vote online or in-person at ANY Outpost store starting Monday, March 20th! It takes only a few minutes to cast your ballot and exercise your right as an owner. Please take the time to make an informed decision - your vote (or lack of it) will have consequences for the future of our cooperative so let’s work together to Get Out The Vote this spring!


Stephanie Calloway

Board Director


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