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Your Board

Hi, I'm Your Board

Outpost's Board of Directors will use this blog to discuss issues the board is exploring as it envisions Outpost's future. Can't make it to a meeting? Check here frequently to read what the Board is up to. Your current Outpost Board of...
Your Board

16, 834 Owners - We Missed You!

Board Beet
By Your Board on December 4, 2012

As a cooperative business, our owners choose the team of individuals (Board of Directors) who will determine the business goals (Ends) and oversee general management’s strategy (Means) for accomplishing those goals.  Ideally, each Director will represent at least one aspect of the diversity of our ownership population. 

In other words:  You have an opportunity to select YOUR ambassador in the leadership of your Outpost.

One month after the election results we contemplate the data obtained about the voting process:

• 780 owners voted

• 16,834 owners did not

• 9 viewed the online ballot…and decided not to vote

• Owners voted the most on Wednesdays

• Outpost has approximately 7000 emails for its approximately 17000 active owners

• Outpost electronically posted a reminder 9 times in the month of October

• Voters voted more immediately after a electronic reminder from Outpost

Years ago the Board of Directors established a one month voting period to account for all the mailed-in ballots.  A very small percentage of our total voters mailed in a ballot this year, but we continue to make this method of voting accessible to all active owners. 

Some considerations for next year, by the Board Nominations Committee, include:

• A shorter voting period

• Continue with emails and social media reminders

• Continue with the in store reminders and signage

• Continue with a mailer

• Consider reinstating an in-store voter kiosk

• Consider allowing voting at the Outpost annual meeting

Thanks to all who considered the candidates and voted.  Congratulations to our new Directors: Nancy Ettenhiem (incumbent), Doug Spencer, and David Lee.

If you didn’t get a chance to or were unaware of the election in the month of October, please let us know how to better reach you.


- Kathy Osowski, director


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