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Your Board

Living our Mission and Values: How Food Co-ops Can Stay Competitive

Board Beet
By Your Board July 12, 2017
Every year a handful of board members get the opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the Consumer Cooperative Management Association, a trade association of consumer cooperatives. It serves as a combination conference and trade show where industry trends are explored, and best practices are highlighted and exchanged. Read more...
Your Board

Have you ever thought about the future of the grocery world?

Board Beet
By Your Board July 26, 2017
Can you imagine a day when you no longer go into a grocery store, but instead, your groceries come to you, delivered by a drone? Do you ever wish for such a day or do you dread it? These are some of the questions that were posed at the Consumer Cooperative Management Association conference (CCMA) in Minneapolis by the keynote speaker Michael Sansolo. Sansolo, an expert in the retail food industry, opened with the topic: “Surviving the Brave New World of Retail." Read more...
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