The above information will be used only by Outpost Natural Foods for the express purpose of sending an e-newsletter. Outpost shopper information is never shared with other organizations or businesses.
Outpost Natural Foods exists so that our owners have a healthy, diverse, and sustainable community. We will accomplish this while maintaining the long-term strength of the cooperative.
When you buy a share to become an Outpost owner, you are investing in a cooperative business. This is your business co-owned by you and other like-minded owners. This is the fundamental difference between your membership at Costco - which basically allows you to shop there - and your ownership of Outpost. Read more...
It’s election time. If you’re an Outpost owner, now may be a good time to consider becoming a Board member. Here’s a great local opportunity to help forward the cooperative principles of a 46 year-old $48 million annual food cooperative. Read more...