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Outpost Natural Foods exists so that our owners have a healthy, diverse, and sustainable community. We will accomplish this while maintaining the long-term strength of the cooperative.
A tree nut allergy can be triggered by even a tiny amount of tree nut protein in the ingredients of an ingested food. A peanut isn’t a nut it is a legume. Although many people with a tree nut allergy are also allergic to peanuts, a peanut allergy should not be confused with a tree nut allergy. Tree nuts are large, edible seeds of trees.
Alternative names include:
anacardium nuts
brazil nuts
gianduja (found in premium or imported chocolate)
hickory nuts
macadamia nuts
pine nuts (pignolia and pinion)
Tree nut protein is found in: Any oil, butter, or paste made from tree nuts (see above), Nu-Nuts (artificial nuts), nougat, many chocolate candy and desserts, and most natural extracts (natural wintergreen extract is made from hazelnuts).
Hidden Sources: Ethnic foods, commercially prepared baked goods, candy can be cross-contaminated, pesto, barbeque sauces, cereals, crackers, ice cream, and most natural extracts (natural wintergreen extract is made from hazelnuts). Use imitation of artificially flavored extracts instead.
Not sure? When In Doubt, Do Without!
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