Cassandra Papesh
Cassandra Papesh
Meat Apprentice
Why do you want to be on the Outpost Co-op Board of Directors?
By contributing my unique perspective and skills, I will enhance the board, strengthen the entire Outpost Cooperative, and deepen my relationship with my local co-op. I love that my shared community experience is centered on my Outpost. Programs such as community meals, school tours, Buy-A-Bag, classes, and employee outreach, showcase that each Outpost is more than a store. Outpost is a community. When shoppers feel like they are a part of something, they create a brand loyalty that is mutually beneficial for all.
What professional skills do you bring to a Board position of a $50 million business?
My background includes a bachelor's degree, experience in employee management, development, and retention, grassroots marketing and distribution, and procedural assessment for effectiveness and efficiency. Uniquely situated, I was able to successfully navigate the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic to keep a local cafe open and profitable. Currently, I am a union employee which allows me a different insight into operations, offerings, and benefits.
Please describe how you would contribute to the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of the board.
I am the eldest child of young parents and grew up in an overall low-income family comprised of various ethnicities and recent immigration experiences. One of the core values my family of origin instilled in me was to work hard in service to others. I know the joy of homemade meals, the satisfaction of stretching a dollar, and the pride of being a part of something that aligns with my values. Working at Outpost has allowed me to utilize my background, professional skills, and core values to find fulfillment.
Describe your prior involvement with community organizations and/or cooperatives.
Throughout my adolescence, I enjoyed a variety of impactful volunteer experiences including serving meals and providing pantry donations to those in need. I was able to directly see the difference in something as simple as a hot meal or bag of groceries made to those with food insecurities. While working in an afterschool program at La Casa de Esperanza, I observed the influence food can have with development and engagement in children and their parents. My co-op experience has been as both an owner and employee at my local Outpost. As an employee, I have been on both sides of ‘the house’ - the high-level customer interactions required in the cafe to the more behind the scenes operational side of the meat department.