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“In the beginning, when I got the diagnoses, I think I did what everybody else does. I sat down and had a good cry.” It was the news Pat Molter and her husband, Elden, never wanted to hear.
“Cancer is rampant in my family and I thought I was the generation to beat it,” Pat says. “But I hadn’t been feeling well and was lethargic and I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with colon cancer. It had spread into my lymph nodes. I had surgery and had very aggressive chemo—too aggressive for me. I knew I had people praying for me so we made the decision I was going to quit chemo and, if I was going to have six months to live, I was going to hang out with my kids and check a lot of things off my bucket list.”
That bucket list Pat started checking off fifteen years ago included sky-diving, spending time with loved ones and even learning to ride a motorcycle. It also involved changing her diet in order to give her body a fighting chance at success.
“I wasn’t as unhealthy as an eater as a lot of people are, but I wasn’t very healthy either. I ate a lot of red meat; meat was always in our diet. Salads were not a daily occurrence on our table. I’d been a drinker and a smoker, and I had gone through a lot of stress. Lots of stress on top of unhealthy eating got me to where I was.”
A good friend of Pat’s introduced her to a raw foods lifestyle which led Pat to start experimenting with a green smoothie diet to help heal her body from the ravages of chemotherapy and, little by little, Pat began to feel better. Along the way Pat discovered that she had a knack for creating her own nutritional powder from scratch. “As an aromatherapist I knew how to blend ingredients and I knew I could create a better product than what I was spending quite a bit of money on so I started making a superfoods powder for myself and when friends started asking for it I got licensed by the state of Wisconsin to start making my own.”
Pat’s 100% organic, vegan nutrient powders are a tastier and better way to help your body get the vitamins your body needs and come in three varieties: A Green Powder, a Berry Powder and a Protein Powder. “Research says we that don’t get a 100% of our nutrition when you take a vitamin capsule and so these are all real food. I don’t have any additives in there so you’re getting 100% of the nutritional value of everything you’re taking. I knew what I needed to heal myself, so I worked off that.”
During the pre-Covid times chances are you saw Pat smiling and handing out samples at your local Outpost. “I’ll make smoothies, I’ll put it in applesauce. It’s great in your Sumi Slaw. I love to have people try it and say, ‘Oh it’s good and it’s good for you?” Some people think since it’s green it must be horrible, well it’s not—those are all of the good ingredients in there working for you.”
Pat’s powerful powders can be added to just about anything. The day we talked to Pat at her commercial kitchen near the airport one of her customers stopped by to use Pat’s Raw Protein Powder for her dog Sammie’s lunch. Judging by the poocher’s wagging tail you can add healthy pet benefits to her creation as well.
Now, fifteen years after that devasting diagnosis, Pat is cancer-free with more energy than a teenager. “I just try to encourage people to make healthy choices. We can all do things to improve our lifestyle and food has an amazing ability to heal. If we’re putting good nutrition into our body it’s amazing how much better we’re going to feel. You’ll have more energy, you won’t get sick as often, and if you do it won’t last as long. It’s just a win-win.”