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It all started with Sloppy Jo, well a meatless version. Barb and R Jay Gruenwald were dating and they both volunteered for Outpost back when the store hosted community meals.
The Saucy Jo that Barb and R Jay made, out of tofu, was such a hit they decided to start a company, The Simple Soyman. Being a small, local company has helped the Gruenwalds find a niche in the natural foods business. It’s also helped set their tofu apart.
“It’s handmade, not made by machines. It’s fresh. I think that makes a difference,” Barb said.
They don't just make tofu. You can find a variety of The Simple Soyman’s products in the frozen foods aisle, the produce department, the bulk section and the grab-n-go case in the deli at your favorite Outpost.
In addition to making tofu, the Milwaukee company now makes tempeh, hummus, tabouleh and other products like granola. The Gruenwalds also have a line of frozen products that includes whole grain pie crusts, tofu burgers and tofu turkey.
In 28 years, the Gruenwalds have been working to convince people that soy foods can be fun, Barb said. “I think about tofu more like egg whites. It’s an ingredient. Nobody sits down and eats a bowl of egg whites,” Barb said. “To me that’s what tofu is. You use it as an ingredient in things.”