Tay Fatke
Tay Fatke
Local Food Purchasing Specialist
Why do you want to be on the Outpost Natural Foods Board of Directors?
My passion lies in helping family farmers thrive and ensuring my local community has access to quality nutritious food. Outpost has shown that they share this same passion and I would love to be a part of their incredible mission.
What professional skills do you bring to a Board position of a $50 million business?
I have been in organic/sustainable agriculture my entire professional career from being a farm-hand on over a dozen farms across Wisconsin, working as an on-farm food safety auditor and consultant and an organic certification decision officer. Currently, I work as a Local Food Purchasing Specialist for a non-profit that connects local Wisconsin farmers to anti-hunger organizations. I have served on a farmer co-op board and help my parents on their farm in Door County.
Please describe how you would contribute to the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of the board.
I believe a diverse board is incredibly important. As a younger applicant that has been working within agriculture his whole life, I believe that can add diversity to the Outpost Board.
Describe your prior involvement with community organizations and/or cooperatives.
My first Co-op membership was with Viroqua Food Co-op while I was working for Organic Valley, a cooperative of 1,800 farms. Additionally, I served as a board member of a farmer co-op in Northeast Wisconsin. Currently, I work for a non-profit assisting Wisconsin farmers in getting their products into their local anti-hunger organizations.