2023 Election

The board election results are in!
A total of 616 valid ballots were cast by Outpost owners from 9 a.m. on March 20 to 9 p.m. on April 3, 2023 to fill four director positions.
The top three candidates who received the most votes will each serve three-year terms.* The candidate with the least amount of votes will serve a one-year term, filling a director seat that was vacated early.**
The four new directors will be seated at the May 2023 Outpost Board of Directors meeting.
*Tay Fatke:
520 votes (31.1%)
*Ashley Fisher (board incumbent):
503 votes (30.1%)
*Becca Guralnick:
410 votes (24.6%)
**Duncan Shrout:
237 votes (14.2%)
Your cast ballot supports local farmers!
Outpost will donate $1 per owner ballot submitted in this year’s election to Fondy, a local non-profit that brings healthy food and economic opportunity to Greater Milwaukee by operating local farmers markets throughout the year, providing access to land, resources and support to small-scale farmers, and working with partners to build a better food system for our community. To learn more, visit www.fondymke.org.