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Your Board

Eating Healthy for the Holidays is Easy at Outpost

Board Beet
By Your Board on November 26, 2018

We tend to think of the holidays as something to get through before we start making better food choices, but what if we used the holidays to reinforce a way to make better choices? For me, I’ve found it helpful get into a good routine, and to plan ahead. Because life seems to move so fast, we can get caught up being slaves to convenience and price. With even the most minimal efforts at planning, however, you can eat well on a tight budget.

I remember reading a neighbor’s Facebook post from a few years ago. She’s a nurse with a growing family. She also has a professional focus on nutrition, and is a big believer in organics. She did the math and demonstrated that it was more cost-effective to plan ahead and buy better food at Outpost. Since then, Outpost has made better food even more accessible by introducing “Co-op Basics” – a selection of household staples that Outpost offers at super-competitive prices, every day.

Like most Outpost shoppers, I don’t buy every single grocery item from Outpost. But I do buy the most important stuff there. I also make it a point to visit the store on an almost daily basis. Doing so allows me to get smaller quantities of the freshest locally-grown and organic produce. And even when I shop daily, it’s part of a plan.

Eating smart isn’t as confusing as it seems. Even though there’s a blizzard of seemingly conflicting studies, there’s an emerging consensus that eating mostly produce, some meat, and little or no starches is a good general rule. Shopping with a plan, especially at Outpost, can make sure what you do purchase is of the highest quality while still allowing you to stay within a tight budget.

Shopping intentionally, and getting into a good routine, can help us live well by eating better. And living well helps us really enjoy the stuff that really matters – spending quality time with family and friends. And there’s no time like the holidays where all of this is more apparent.


Jan Pierce

Board Treasurer



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